Monthly Photo Contest!

Every month I will put the top-voted pictures at the top of the page, and these are not just my own! If you have photographs you took feel free to submit them!

Submitting Photos!

Make sure you have permission before submitting photos of people other than yourself. You can submit only one photo at a time. You do not have to have an email address to submit a photo. With that said however, I cannot reply to your email, if necessary , if no email address is entered. To enter multiple photo's, simply refresh the page after submitting your first photo. The photo does not have to be taken this month, but you cannot submit the same photo in a later month. If you have trouble submitting forms through the form below, try reaching out to me through the contact tab!

Last Months Top Photo's

Vote now for the March Photo's!

If you check back later in the month and see a different photo you like, and would like to change your vote, that is not a problem! 

March 2025 Photo Submission's

Wet Whiskers

Photo By: Dianna Knox 

Spice the cat forgot to dry her whiskers!

Curios Turkey 

Photo By: Emma Cain

Being curious is stressful...


Photo By:Emma Cain
Sweetie the cat on a garden walk!

Mountains From The Great State of Virginia

Photo By: Aidan Cain

Taken on a vacation to Shenandoah! 

Chickadees On a Tree

Photo By: Mason Cain

I put these three in as a single submission because of how similar they are. 

Photo By: Mason Cain

A Carolina Chickadee on the top of the bird feeder. Although the Carolina Chickadee looks very similar to the Black Capped Chickadee, the Black Capped Chickadee is not Present in Southern NJ!

Chickadee On the Feeder

Johnasaurus Rex

Photo By: Jen Olson
You definitely need to be careful around John when he is eating...


Photo By: Jen Olson
Maynard the horse!

Handsome Goatee

Photo By: Lauren Cain

The handsome Goaty-McGoat-Face showing off his Luscious goatee.

Turkey In the Snow

Photo By: Lauren Cain

Igor the, hopefully, soon-to-be proud papa turkey!

Valentines Bouquet 

Photo By: Lauren Cain 

A beautiful Valentines Day bouqet of flowers.

Happy Kitty

Photo By: Lauren Cain

Tunafish Monoply Cain enjoying some sun!

Downy Woodpecker

Photo By: Mason Cain

This photo is of a Downy Woodpecker on a wild Black Cherry tree. The Black Cherry tree is a keystone native species that produces small, edible besides the pit, cherry's. The Downy Woodpecker is a common, albeit small, woodpecker in NJ.

Mourning Dove

Photo By: Emma Cain

Me (Mason) and Emma were looking for birds to take photos of, and just as we lost hope, this Mourning Dove flew out from under us and landed in an nearby Oak. Mourning Dove's have a haunting song that sounds like almost like an owl, but during the day. This website has a few amazing recordings.

Turkey Vulture Flying

Photo By: Emma Cain 

The Turkey Vulture is an interesting bird that can smell dead meat from a mile away, and cannot kill it's prey, but rather relies on scavenging. The tree branches in this photo are of an Oak, a common keystone species that supports over 400 species of caterpillar!

Chickadee Butt

Photo By: Emma Cain
This photo is of a Carolina Chickadee, Poecile carolinensis. It is a common, small, and strangely loud bird in Southern NJ.